Available Vaccines With VaccinateRx

Vaccines available for clinics, as well as, prior to international travel

Types of Vaccines Available

  • flu-influenza-vaccine-vaccinaterx-vaccinate-rx

    Influenza Vaccines

    Every year, thousands of Americans are sick with Influenza. Protect your team, or organization members, by scheduling your own Flu Shot Clinic. Typically, we recommend scheduling these clinics for the fall, most often in October and November depending on your region.

  • covid-19-covid19-coronavirus-vaccines-moderna-pfizer-janssen-vaccinaterx-vaccinate-rx

    COVID-19 Vaccines

    Unfortunately, COVID-19 seems to be here to stay and we need to protect ourselves with a COVID-19 Vaccination series, such as Moderna or Pfizer, or a single dose like Janssen (J&J).

  • tetanus vaccinaterx vaccines

    Tetanus Vaccines

    Tetanus is a potentially fatal bacterial infection that attacks nerves that can be caused by cuts or scrapes in the workplace. Those who suffer from the condition experience lockjaw and painful muscle contractions. Tetanus can also interfere with the ability to breathe. Tetanus is vaccinated against with Td or DT Vaccines (Tetanus and Diphtheria) and Tdap or DTaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis). Source CDC

  • Pneumococcal Vaccines Available with vaccinaterx

    Pneumococcal Vaccines

    Pneumococcal vaccine is covered as a Medicare benefit. As such, senior groups are encouraged to set up these clinics. However, note that pneumococcal vaccination is recommended for anyone with a chronic illness, and chronic smokers. This means that many groups would benefit from offering a convenient clinic.

  • Shingles Vaccines

    Shingles Vaccines

    Shingles are a painful rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus and can lay dormant without symptoms for several years. Prior to the rash appearing one may feel a burning, itching and tingling feeling in the area where the rash will form. Additional symptoms may include nausea, fever, headache and possible sensitivity to touch. A rash will appear containing fluid filled blisters. Eventually the blisters will scab over and heal. Vaccination is recommended for adults 50 years and older (Source CDC)

  • Meningococcal Vaccines are available through VaccinateRx and protect from Meningitis, severe bacterial illnesses and infections of the lining the brain and spinal cord and bloodstream

    Meningococcal Vaccines

    Meningococcal diseases are severe bacterial illnesses that include infections of the lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis), and bloodstream. Being vaccinated is the best preventative measure because Meningococcal Disease can be deadly.

  • Hepatitis A and B Vaccines available through VaccinateRx

    Hepatitis Vaccines

    Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B are infections of the liver caused by two different viruses. The symptomatology is similar for both, although, they differ in how they are spread and how they affect the liver. They both can be prevented with the hepatitis vaccines.

  • vaccine clinics are available through vaccinate rx

    Vaccine Clinics

    Our most common vaccine clinics are for the Flu Vaccine and any of the COVID-19 vaccines. Travel vaccines, along with any of our other available vaccines, can be organized into a clinic for your employees or organization members

  • Travel Vaccines are important prior to international travel and are available with VaccinateRx

    Travel Vaccines

    For those planning international travel, it is important to be protected from infectious diseases common in your destination country. Our Travel Vaccinations are designed to provide the latest international recommendations for vaccines. Whether you have one person or an entire team traveling, VaccinateRx can help.